Welcome to DividendHistory.org

Here you'll find dividend information and dividend paying stocks with complete payout histories, increase announcements, growth, yield and much more

Stock data is currently being added to the database focusing on NYSE, Nasdaq, TSX, LSE and ASX exchanges.

2024-11-27ATDAlimentation Couche-Tard raises dividend 11.4% to $0.195 quarterly
2024-11-20DRMDream Unlimited announces special dividend of $1.00 per share
2024-11-15MSIMotorola Solutions raises dividend 11% to $1.09 quarterly
2024-11-12TRPTC Energy 14.3% lower dividend due to South Bow Spinoff
2024-11-11SNASnap-On raises dividend 15% to $2.14 quarterly
2024-11-08PSECProspect Capital Corporation cuts dividend 25% to $0.045 monthly
2024-11-08KLAKLA Corporation raises dividend 17% to $1.70 quarterly
2024-11-08SPBSuperior Plus cuts dividend 75% to $0.045 quarterly
2024-11-08BDTBird Construction raises dividend 50% to $0.07 monthly
2024-11-08EOGEOG Resources raises dividend 7% to $0.975 quarterly
2024-11-07IAGiA Financial Corporation raises dividend 10% to $0.90 quarterly
2024-11-07ADPAutomatic Data Processing raises dividend 10% to $1.54 quarterly, now a member of Dividend Kings
2024-10-31ELEstee Lauder cuts dividend 47% to $0.35 quarterly
2024-10-30DHID.R. Horton raises dividend 33.3% to $0.40 quarterly
2024-10-30LNGCheniere Energy raises dividend 15% to $0.50 quarterly
2024-10-30MPLXMPLX raises dividend 12.5% to $0.95 quarterly
2024-10-30VVisa raises dividend 13.5% to $0.59 quarterly
2024-10-29PRKPark National announces special dividend of $0.50
2024-10-28HIGHartford Financial Services Group raises dividend 10.6% to $0.52 quarterly
2024-10-24SBUXStarbucks raises dividend 7% to $0.61 quarterly

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